Saturday 13th of August. The streets of Lima were flooded with people denouncing violence against women. This has been next in line after protests in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and other Latin American countries, all under the slogan #NiUnaMenos – Not One Less. But how did this phrase even start? And how did it become viral? AJ+ Video: Violence Against Women in Peru Tens of thousands of people are saying no to violence against women in Peru. Posted by AJ+ on Sunday, August 14, … [Read more...]
Veinte Años de República, Diez Años de Estabilidad Política
La teoría económica plantea que, en última instancia, las instituciones son las principales generadoras de crecimiento económico de un país en el largo plazo. Ante la falta de un marco legal plenamente establecido, o en un ambiente de continua inestabilidad política, una mejora sostenida en las condiciones económicas de un país, es simplemente impensable. Cualquier ecuatoriano que haya vivido en la década de los noventa o en los primeros años de este siglo, recordara con tristeza una época … [Read more...]
Complete Peace
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos stated on January 15th at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that there has been progress in peace negotiations between the Colombian government and Colombia's second largest and oldest guerrilla group, the National Liberation Army (ELN). The ELN, born in 1965 as an anti-imperialist political project was inspired by the Cuban Revolution. It currently has in its ranks some 1,500 insurgent fighters and according to Colombian … [Read more...]